Sunday, March 1, 2009

Leave a comment, win something!!!

Just to see who's actually following my blog, I will send your choice of a sample of soap, 2 custom blended tea bags (your choice), lip balm or a painted magnet to whomever leaves a comment on my blog. Free stuff, awesome!


Kiwi Arts said...

I read, and I am following you :-) I wanted to try your stuff anyway. :-) There was nice things said about your products on our Ga Etsy Team email. Way to go! Keep your blog up for you more than anything. It is a great way to make you journal. I have been going back and reading some of my own, and it is really fun. Hopefully someone is reading our blogs, but if not - it is still time well spent. Take care and good luck. :) Beth

Jar O' Marbles said...

I just started following you. But I feel your pain. Sometimes it feels like I'm talking to a wall when I put things on my blog.

smellyrhinostudio said...

Good start there Amberly!!
(don't send me anything, I already have been blessed by your kindness)

Naturally Tamara said...

I just found your blog and I will follow you. I have a blog as well with few followers. UGGHH. I also enjoy aromatherapy and I would love to sample you products. Have a great and thank you for your offer on products.